A monad is a structure that describes generalized objects and morphisms.

1 Monad

The category \([\cC, \cC]\) of endofunctors is a strict monoidal category with the functor composition as the monoidal product and the identity functor \(\id_\cC\) as the monoidal unit.

A monad in a category \(\cC\) is an endofunctor \(T: \cC \to \cC\) equipped with two natural transformations:

  • composition \(\mu: TT \nat T\)
  • unit \(\eta: \id_\cC \nat T\)

subject to

  • associativity: \(\mu (T \mu) = \mu (\mu T)\)
  • identity: \(\mu (\eta T) = \id_T = \mu (T \eta)\)

In other words, a monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors.

-- bind
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
(>>)  :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c)

2 Algebra

2.1 F-algebra

For an endofunctor \(F: \cC \to \cC\), an algebra over an endofunctor (F-algebra) \((A, \act_A)\) consists of an object \(A\) (carrier) and a morphism \(\act_A: FA \to A\).

An F-algebra homomorphism from \((A, \act_A)\) to \((B, \act_B)\) is a morphism \(f: A \to B\) such that \(\act_B \compL Ff = f \compL \act_A\).


For an endofunctor \(F: \cC \to \cC\), a coalgebra over an endofunctor (F-coalgebra) \((A, \act_A)\) consists of an object \(A\) (carrier) and a morphism \(\act_A: A \to FA\).

An F-coalgebra homomorphism from \((A, \act_A)\) to \((B, \act_B)\) is a morphism \(f: A \to B\) such that \(\act_B \compL f = Ff \compL \act_A\).

2.1.1 Initial F-algebra

An initial F-algebra of an endofunctor \(F\) is an initial object in the category of F-algebras.

If an endofunctor \(F\) has an initial F-algebra \((\mu F, i)\), then \(F \mu F \iso \mu F\).

  1. \((F \mu F, Fi)\) is an F-algebra, so there exists a unique F-algebra homomorphism \(u: \mu F \to F \mu F\).
  2. \(i \compL u: \mu F \to \mu F\) is an F-algebra homomorphism from the initial F-algebra and thus is unique, \(i \compL u = \id_{\mu F}\).
  3. \(u \compL i = Fi \compL Fu = F(i \compL u) = F \id_{\mu F} = \id_{F \mu F}\).

In a category \(\cC\) with a terminal object \(1\), a natural numbers object (NNO) \(\N\) is an initial F-algebra of the endofunctor \(X \mapsto 1 + X\).

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rccccc} & 1 &+& \N &\to& \N \\ \zero: & * && &\mapsto& 0 \\ \successor: && & n &\mapsto& n+1 \end{array} \end{aligned}\]

In a category \(\cC\) with a terminal object \(1\) and binary products, an \(A\)-valued list object \([A]\) is an initial F-algebra of the endofunctor \(X \mapsto 1 + A \times X\).

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rccccc} & 1 &+& A \times [A] &\to& [A] \\ \nil: & * && &\mapsto& [] \\ \cons: & && (x, xs) &\mapsto& x:xs \end{array} \end{aligned}\]

2.2 M-algebra

For a monoid object \((M, \mu, \eta)\) in a monoidal category \((\cC, \otimes, I, \alpha, \lambda, \rho)\), a (left) algebra over a monoid object (M-algebra) is an F-algebra \((A, \act_A: M \otimes A \to A)\) for the endofunctor

\[\begin{aligned} (M \otimes -): \cC &\to \cC \\ A &\mapsto M \otimes A \\ f &\mapsto \id_M \otimes f \end{aligned}\]

that is compatible with

  • monoid product: \(\act \compL (\mu \otimes \id) = \act \compL (\id \otimes \act) \compL \alpha\)
  • monoid unit: \(\act \compL (\eta \otimes \id) = \lambda\)

An M-algebra homomorphism is an F-algebra homomorphism.


2.3 T-algebra

For a monad \((T, \mu, \eta)\), a (left) algebra over a monad (T-algebra) is an M-algebra \((A, \act_A: TA \to A)\) in the category of endofunctors over the constant functor \(\Delta A\).

Thus, a T-algebra is compatible with

  • monad composition: \(\act_A \compL T \act_A = \act_A \compL \mu_A\)
  • monad unit: \(\act_A \compL \eta_A = \id_A\)

A T-algebra homomorphism is an F-algebra homomorphism.


For a monad \((T, \mu, \eta)\) in a category \(\cC\), the Eilenberg–Moore category \(\cC^T\) is a category of T-algebras and T-algebra homomorphisms.

3 Kleisli category

For a monad \((T, \mu, \eta)\) in a category \(\cC\), the Kleisli category \(\cC_T\) is a category whose

  • objects are \(\cC\)-objects \(\Obj_{\cC_T} := \Obj_\cC\)
  • morphisms are Kleisli morphisms \(\Hom_{\cC_T}(A, B) := \Hom_\cC(A, TB)\)
  • composition is the Kleisli composition \(g_\Kl \compL_T f_\Kl := \mu_C \compL Tg_\Kl \compL f_\Kl\)
  • identity morphism is the monad unit \(\id_A := \eta_A: A \to TA\)

4 Monadic adjunction

4.1 Adjunction to monad

An adjunction

\[(F: \cC \toot \cD: G, \epsilon: FG \nat \id_\cD, \eta: \id_\cC \nat GF)\]

gives rise to a monad

\[(GF: \cC \to \cC, G \epsilon F: GFGF \nat GF, \eta: \id_\cC \nat GF)\]


and a comonad

\[(FG: \cD \to \cD, F \eta G: FG \nat FGFG, \epsilon: FG \nat \id_\cD)\]

4.2 Monad to adjunction

5 Examples

5.1 Maybe

  • \(MA = 1 + A\) nothing or values
  • \(Mf = 1 + f\) computation with failure
  • \(\mu: MM \nat M\) failure propagation
  • \(\eta: \id \nat M\) just
  • \(A \to MB\) partial function
  • \(MA \to A\) pointed object

5.2 List

free monoid

  • \([]: 1 \to LA\) empty list
  • \(\concat: LA \times LA \to LA\) concatenation

free monoid monad

  • \(LA\) list
  • \(Lf\) list map
  • \(\mu: LL \nat L\) concatenation
  • \(\eta: \id \nat L\) singleton
  • \(A \to LB\) list function
  • \(LA \to A\) monoid \((A, \fold [e: 1 \to A, \cdot: A \times A \to A])\)
    • right identity \([a]\)
    • left identity \([[], [a]]\)
    • associativity \([[a, b], [c]]\)

5.3 Powerset

  • \(PA = 2^A\) powerset
  • \(Pf\) set map
  • \(\mu: PP \nat P\) union
  • \(\eta: \id \nat P\) singleton
  • \(A \to PB\) set function
  • \(PA \to A\) suplattice

5.4 Multiset

  • \(NA = \N^A\) multiset
  • \(Nf\) sum map
  • \(\mu: NN \nat N\) multiplication
  • \(\eta: \id \nat N\) singleton
  • \(A \to NB\) multiset function
  • \(NA \to A\) commutative monoid

5.5 Probability

Giry monad \(\text{measurable space } (A, \Sigma_A) \mapsto (\set{\text{probability measure } \mu: \Sigma_A \to [0, 1]}, \set{\epsilon_U: \mu \mapsto \mu(U) \mid U \in \Sigma_A})\)

  • \(PA\) probability measures
  • \(Pf\) pushforward measure
  • \(\mu: PP \nat P\) marginalization
  • \(\eta: \id \nat P\) Dirac measure
  • \(A \to PB\) conditional probability
  • \(PA \to A\) expectation

5.6 State

  • \([S, S \times A]\)

5.7 Continuation

  • \([[A, R], R]\)

6 Monoidal monad

A monoidal monad is a monad in the 2-category of monoidal categories, lax monoidal functors, and monoidal natural transformations.

7 Monoidal Kleisli category

For a monoidal monad \((T, \mu_T, \eta_T, \mu, \eta)\) in \((\cC, \otimes, I)\), the Kleisli category \(\cC_T\) inherits the monoidal structure from \(\cC\), whose

  • monoidal product \(\otimes_\Kl\) on objects is the monoidal product \(\otimes\) on \(\cC\)

  • monoidal product \(\otimes_\Kl\) on morphisms is obtained by \(f_\Kl \otimes_\Kl g_\Kl := \mu (f_\Kl \otimes g_\Kl)\)

    \[(A \xto{f_\Kl} TB) \otimes_\Kl (C \xto{g_\Kl} TD) = A \otimes C \xto{f_\Kl \otimes_\Kl g_\Kl} T(B\otimes D) = A \otimes C \xto{f_\Kl \otimes g_\Kl} TB \otimes TD \xto{\mu_{B, D}} T(B \otimes D)\]

  • monoidal unit, associator, and left/right unitors are those of \(\cC\)