1 Enriched category

1.1 \(\cSet_*\)-enriched category

1.2 \(\cCMon\)-enriched category

1.3 \(\cAb\)-enriched category

2 Matrix category

2.1 Semiring, ring, and field

A semiring (rig) \((R, +, \times, 0, 1)\) is a set \(R\) equipped with two binary operations, addition \(+\) and multiplication \(\times\), and two distinguished elements \(0\) and \(1\), such that

  • addition \((R, +, 0)\) is a commutative monoid,
  • multiplication \((R, \times, 1)\) is a monoid,
  • multiplication \(\times\) distributes over addition \(+\), and
  • the additive identity \(0\) annihilates multiplication \(\times\): \(0 \times a = 0 = a \times 0\).

An additively idempotent semiring is a semiring \((R, +, \times, 0, 1)\) such that addition \(+\) is idempotent: \(a + a = a\).

\(1 + 1 = 1\) implies \(a + a = a \times (1 + 1) = a \times 1 = a\).

A multiplicatively idempotent semiring is a semiring \((R, +, \times, 0, 1)\) such that multiplication \(\times\) is idempotent: \(a \times a = a\).

  • natural number semiring \((\N, +, \times, 0, 1)\)
  • Boolean semiring \((\set{\lfal, \ltru}, \ldis, \lcon, \lfal, \ltru) \iso (\set{0, 1}, \max, \min, 0, 1) \incl ([0, 1], \max, \min, 0, 1)\) max-min semiring
  • min-plus semiring \(([0, \infty], \min, +, \infty, 0) \xtoot{\exp(-x)}{-\log(x)} ([0, 1], \max, \times, 0, 1)\) Viterbi semiring
  • min-plus semiring \(((-\infty, \infty], \min, +, \infty, 0) \xtoot{-}{-} ([-\infty, \infty), \max, +, -\infty, 0)\) max-plus semiring
  • probability semiring \(([0, \infty), +, \times, 0, 1) \xtoot{\log}{\exp} ([-\infty, \infty), \logsumexp, +, -\infty, 0)\) log semiring
    • \(\log(a + b) = \logsumexp(\log a, \log b)\)
    • \(\log(a \times b) = \log a + \log b\)
    • \(\log 0 = -\infty\)
    • \(\log 1 = 0\)
    • \(\exp(\logsumexp(a, b)) = \exp a + \exp b\)
    • \(\exp(a + b) = \exp a \times \exp b\)
    • \(\exp(-\infty) = 0\)
    • \(\exp 0 = 1\)

A ring \((R, +, \times, 0, 1)\) is a set \(R\) equipped with two binary operations, addition \(+\) and multiplication \(\times\), and two distinguished elements \(0\) and \(1\), such that

  • addition \((R, +, 0)\) is an abelian group,
  • multiplication \((R, \times, 1)\) is a monoid, and
  • multiplication \(\times\) distributes over addition \(+\).

In a ring, the annihilation law follows from the distributivity law: \(0 \times a + 0 \times a = (0 + 0) \times a = 0 \times a\), so \(0 \times a = 0\).

A Boolean ring is a multiplicatively idempotent ring.

  • integer ring \((\Z, +, \times, 0, 1)\)
  • Boolean ring \((\set{\lfal, \ltru}, \lneqv, \ldis, \lfal, \ltru) \iso (\Z/2\Z, +, \times, 0, 1)\)

A field \((R, +, \times, 0, 1)\) is a set \(R\) equipped with two binary operations, addition \(+\) and multiplication \(\times\), and two distinguished elements \(0\) and \(1\), such that

  • addition \((R, +, 0)\) is an abelian group,
  • multiplication \((R, \times, 1)\) is an abelian group, and
  • multiplication \(\times\) distributes over addition \(+\).
  • rational number field \((\Q, +, \times, 0, 1)\)
  • real number field \((\R, +, \times, 0, 1)\)
  • complex number field \((\C, +, \times, 0, 1)\)

2.2 Matrix operations

For natural numbers \(a, b \in \N\) and a set \(X\), a \(X\)-valued matrix \(M_{a \times b}\) of dimension \(a \times b\) is a function \(M: [a] \times [b] \to X\), where \([a] := \set{i \in \N \mid 1 \leq i \leq a}\). \(M(i, j)\) is also denoted by \(M_{ij}\).

The empty matrix \(\varnothing_{0 \times a}\) or \(\varnothing_{a \times 0}\) is the unique function from the empty set \(\varnothing\) to \(X\).

The semiring \(R\)-valued identity matrix \(I_a\) is an \(a \times a\) matrix such that \(I_a(i, j) = 1\) if \(i = j\) and \(I_a(i, j) = 0\) if \(i \neq j\).

The semiring \(R\)-valued zero matrix \(0_{a \times b}\) is an \(a \times b\) matrix such that \(0_{a \times b}(i, j) = 0\).

The matrix product of two semiring \(R\)-valued matrices \(M_{a \times b}\) and \(N_{b \times c}\) is a \(R\)-valued matrix \((MN)_{a \times c}\) such that

\[(MN)_{ik} := \sum_j M_{ij} \times N_{jk}.\]

Specifically, \(\varnothing_{a \times 0} \varnothing_{0 \times c} = 0_{a \times c}\).

The matrix addition of two semiring \(R\)-valued matrices \(M_{a \times b}\) and \(N_{a \times b}\) is a \(R\)-valued matrix \((M + N)_{a \times b}\) such that

\[(M + N)_{ij} := M_{ij} + N_{ij}.\]

The left scalar multiplication of a semiring \(R\)-valued matrix \(M_{a \times b}\) and a scalar \(r \in R\) is a \(R\)-valued matrix \((rM)_{a \times b}\) such that

\[(rM)_{ij} := r \times M_{ij}.\]

The Kronecker product of two semiring \(R\)-valued matrices \(M_{a \times b}\) and \(N_{c \times d}\) is a \(R\)-valued matrix \((M \otimes N)_{(a \times c) \times (b \times d)}\) such that

\[\begin{aligned} (M \otimes N) := \begin{bmatrix} M_{11} N & \cdots & M_{1b} N \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ M_{a1} N & \cdots & M_{ab} N \end{bmatrix}_{(a \times c) \times (b \times d)}. \end{aligned}\]

2.3 Matrix category

The matrix category \(\cMat(R)\) over a semiring \(R\):

  • objects: \(\N\)
  • morphisms from \(a\) to \(b\): \(a \times b\) \(R\)-valued matrices
  • composition: matrix multiplication
  • identity: identity matrix \(I_a\)

2.3.1 Zero object

  • zero object: \(0\)
  • terminal morphism: \(\varnothing_{a \times 0}\)
  • initial morphism: \(\varnothing_{0 \times a}\)
  • zero morphism: zero matrix \(0_{a \times b}: a \xto{\varnothing_{a \times 0}} 0 \xto{\varnothing_{0 \times b}} b\)

2.3.2 Biproduct: addition

  • \(a \oplus b := a + b\)
  • \(\angles{M, N} := \begin{bmatrix} M & N\end{bmatrix}_{c \times (a + b)}\)
  • \(\bracks{M, N} := \begin{bmatrix} M \\ N\end{bmatrix}_{(a + b) \times c}\)
  • \(p_1 = \begin{bmatrix} I_a \\ 0_{b \times a} \end{bmatrix}_{(a + b) \times a}\)
  • \(p_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0_{a \times b} \\ I_b \end{bmatrix}_{(a + b) \times b}\)
  • \(i_1 = \begin{bmatrix} I_a & 0_{a \times b} \end{bmatrix}_{a \times (a + b)}\)
  • \(i_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0_{b \times a} & I_b \end{bmatrix}_{b \times (a + b)}\)
  • \(i_1 p_1 = I_a\)
  • \(i_2 p_2 = I_b\)
  • \(i_1 p_2 = 0_{a \times b}\)
  • \(i_2 p_1 = 0_{b \times a}\)
  • \(p_1 i_1 + p_2 i_2 = \begin{bmatrix} I_a & 0_{a \times b} \\ 0_{b \times a} & 0_{b \times b} \end{bmatrix}_{(a + b) \times (a + b)} + \begin{bmatrix} 0_{a \times a} & 0_{a \times b} \\ 0_{b \times a} & I_b \end{bmatrix}_{(a + b) \times (a + b)} = I_{a + b}\)

2.3.3 Biproduct morphism: block diagonal matrix

\[\begin{aligned} M_{a \times b} \oplus N_{c \times d} = \begin{bmatrix} M_{a \times b} & 0_{a \times d} \\ 0_{c \times b} & N_{c \times d} \end{bmatrix}_{(a + c) \times (b + d)} \end{aligned}\]

2.3.4 Diagonal & codiagonal: concatenation

  • \(\Delta_a = \begin{bmatrix} I_a & I_a \end{bmatrix}_{a \times (a + a)}\)
  • \(\nabla_a = \begin{bmatrix} I_a \\ I_a \end{bmatrix}_{(a + a) \times a}\)

2.3.5 Addition: elementwise sum

For \(M_1, M_2 \in \Hom(a, b)\), \(M_1 + M_2 = \Delta_a (M_1 \oplus M_2) \nabla_b\).

  • \((A + B)C = AC + BC\)
  • \(A(B + C) = AB + AC\)

2.3.6 Monoidal product: multiplication & Kronecker product

  • multiplication \(a \otimes b := a \times b\)
  • Kronecker product \(M \otimes N\)
  • unit \(1\)
  • composition: \((MN) \otimes (M'N') = (M \otimes M')(N \otimes N')\)
  • identity: \(I_a \otimes I_b = I_{a \times b}\)
  • associativity: \(a \times (b \times c) = (a \times b) \times c\), \(A \otimes (B \otimes C) = (A \otimes B) \otimes C\)
  • unitality: \(1 \times a = a = a \times 1\), \(I_1 \otimes A = A = A \otimes I_1\)
  • left distributivity: \(a \times (b + c) = a \times b + a \times c\), \((A \oplus B) \otimes C = A \otimes C \oplus B \otimes C\)
  • right distributivity: \((a + b) \times c = a \times c + b \times c\), \(A \otimes (B \oplus C) = A \otimes B \oplus A \otimes C\)

3 Preadditive category


4 Additive category

5 Preabelian category

6 Abelian category